SRC Admissions Consultants

The Value of Internships for Building Your Personal Brand

In addition to having a high GPA and good test scores, building a personal brand is essential for getting into top-tier business schools.
A personal brand is more than the sum of your skills, your resume, your social media presence, and talent. It’s something you emanate from the uniqueness of your personality. A powerful personal brand is constantly growing and developing and it will prove to be the deciding factor in your future professional success.
Your personal brand should reflect your true interests, your passions, your dreams about the future and your strengths in order to establish professional credibility.
There are many contributing factors to how people see you. In fact, it is your personal brand that shapes people’s opinions of you the most. A personal brand is created in the mind of others, and it plays a critical role in getting accepted into business school.

The Value of Internships

Once you’ve polished your LinkedIn profile and deleted any incriminating photos and poor grammar from your social media accounts, you can devote yourself to finding the right internship which corresponds with your personal brand.
If you can give some of your time and energy every week to an internship in college, you will certainly benefit greatly in terms of future job prospects.
The search for the most suitable internship should start with an introspection:
  • How much time can I give to the internship?
  • What are my key strengths?
  • What am I truly passionate about?
  • Is this internship in line with my previous experience?
  • Is this internship relevant to my field of expertise?
  • What is it that sets me apart from every other applicant?
  • What makes me unique?
Internships are the best way to make connections, gain valuable experience and affirm your true authentic self. Moreover, internships present you with significant learning opportunities. They show your pro-activity and your determination.
Making use of various learning possibilities is a character trait which future employers would appreciate.
Keep in mind that in a sea of graduates, the ones who stand a chance are those with some experience.
Your personal brand portrays your complexity as a human being and your aspirations. It shapes the way people perceive you. One important way to build your personal brand is through internships. They are crucial because they will clearly show what you want in life and how you intend to get it. They lay the foundation for your future full-time employment.